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According to the new General Data Protection regulations, it is vital that you know what data is being collected about you and how it is being used and stored.


The following information sets out what data I ask you to provide, why I need it and where it is stored.


Please read this as it is important you are happy with it. If you have any questions feel free to email me at


What information is being collected?

I collect only the information I need to carry out my contractual obligations to you see the table below for the detailed information on what I collect and why.


Who is collecting it and how will it be collected?

I will be collecting the data via paper/electronic form, logging it electronically and safely and destroying the original.


Why is it being collected?

In order to fulfil my contractual obligations to you it is necessary me to request and hold basic data. One of my responsibilities, for example, is to practice safely and ethically and for this reason I need to track the hours I practice. Another example is that in order to ensure you are safe in our sessions I need to hold an emergency contact for you.


How will it be used and who has access to it?

I will only use it for my own purposes as set out in our contract together. It is never shared with any third party and can only be accessed by me, using the security passwords I have in place.


What does this mean for me?

All of this means that we are able to carry out our work together effectively, ethically and safely. Counselling has extremely tight ethical boundaries of confidentiality, the BACP standards of ethics that I adhere to reinforces this. I treat the basic data I collect about you in order to do our work in the same respectful, boundaried and secure way as I do anything else that is brought to counselling.


You can withdraw your consent to the storing of your data at any time.


If you have any concerns about the personal data that I collect, use and store you can investigate further, or complain, by emailing or by calling me on 07935 239607.


More information can be found at:

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